2014 Bible Study Conference - Romans

Overview of Romans 6 to 8 – A.J. Higgins

Romans 6 – Phil Coulson

vv 1-14 Shall we Continue in Sin?

Positional Truth

My Position in Christ Forbids it

Sin, the Monarch, has been Dethroned

vv 15-23 Shall we Sin Because we are Under Grace? Principles Applied

The Principle of Spiritual Life Forbids it

From Sin, the Master, we have been Liberated

Romans 7 – Matthew Cain

vv 1- 6 Our Present Relationship to Law

The Law and the Sinner

vv 7-13 The Perfect Righteousness of the Law The Law & Sin

vv 14-25 The Profound Recognition about the Law The Law and the Saint

Romans 8:1-17 – Shawn St. Clair

vv 1-11 Our Standing in Grace – A Look Back

vv 12-17 The Secret of Growth – A Look at the Present

Romans 8:18-39 – A.J. Higgins

vv 18-21 A Sight of Glory – A Look Ahead

vv 22-27 A Scene of Groaning – A Look Around & Within

vv 28-39 Sovereignty and its Guarantee – A Look Above


The Holy Spirit

 The GIVING of the Spirit – Matthew Cain
What is Baptism in the Spirit?

The GUEST Who Resides Within – Sandy Higgins
What are the practical implications of having a Holy Person residing within me?

The GIFTS of the Spirit – Matthew Cain
Do the miraculous sign gifts still function today?

The GIFTS of the Spirit – Sandy Higgins
What is our responsibility with what the Spirit has given?

The GOVERNING of the Spirit – Sandy Higgins
What does it mean that the Scriptures are inspired? How does the Spirit help us to understand the Scriptures now?

Question and Answer Session

The GIFT & GUARANTEE of the Spirit –Sandy Higgins
Why has God given us this great gift?

GROWTH through the Spirit – Matthew Cain
What is the Spirit of God trying to accomplish in my life? How does he do it? 

The GUIDANCE of the Spirit – Sandy Higgins
What does it mean to be led by the Spirit? How does this come into play in the meetings of the church?

Question and Answer Session